A comprehensive trade credit insurance policy can provide an essential safety net for your business if you rely on selling goods or services to your customers on credit terms. By protecting against the risk of non-payment, it enables you to manage your cash flow more effectively and focus on growing your business without worrying about financial losses due to non-payment from your customer.

We appreciate that your biggest asset is likely to be your trade debtor book and we take a robust approach to getting you the right protection.

As a specialist broker, Verlingue places Credit Insurance policies for businesses spanning a broad spectrum of industries. From start-ups to businesses with turnover in excess of £1 billion, we design solutions to protect you.

Bonds and Guarantees are required to underpin contractual performance on price, quality and timescale. These guarantees have historically been provided by a company’s own bankers, but have an adverse effect on a company’s banking lines affecting reducing working capital and frequently have to be totally cash covered.

Insurance surety companies can provide exactly the same guarantees without the need for cash cover leaving banking line free to run the business on a day to day basis.

Type of Bonds

Construction Bid & Tender

Guarantee the tender price, quality and time scale will be adhered to.


Can be offered so that the retention element can be released early. This needs to be negotiated along with the original contract.

Advanced Payment

When advanced payments are made for a machine or services the customers may ask for a guarantee stating that they will either get their machine of their money back on non-performance.


Either Conditional or On Demand.
Conditional Bonds guarantee price, quality and time scale as laid out in the contract.
On Demand can be called on for any reason.

VAT Deferment

VAT is payable as goods are imported into the country. A deferment guarantee allows it to be settled at month end but needs to be guaranteed by either a Bank or Surety.

Deferred Payment 

Spreads the cost of a purchase over a set period guarantee ensuring that no default will occur.

Our Specialist Team 

Umberto Oliva, Director – Trade Credit

As our director of Trade Credit Insurance, Umberto has over 20 years of experience working in the industry, helping businesses to dentify, manage and mitigate risks.


M: +44 (0) 7887 896 164